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apihelp-parse-paramvalue-prop-categories (Diskusjon) (Set om) Gives the categories in the parsed wikitext.
apihelp-parse-paramvalue-prop-categorieshtml (Diskusjon) (Set om) Gives the HTML version of the categories.
apihelp-parse-paramvalue-prop-displaytitle (Diskusjon) (Set om) Adds the title of the parsed wikitext.
apihelp-parse-paramvalue-prop-encodedjsconfigvars (Diskusjon) (Set om) Gives the JavaScript configuration variables specific to the page as a JSON string.
apihelp-parse-paramvalue-prop-headhtml (Diskusjon) (Set om) Gives parsed <code><head></code> of the page.
apihelp-parse-paramvalue-prop-headitems (Diskusjon) (Set om) <span class="apihelp-deprecated">Deprecated.</span> Gives items to put in the <code><head></code> of the page.
apihelp-parse-paramvalue-prop-images (Diskusjon) (Set om) Gives the images in the parsed wikitext.
apihelp-parse-paramvalue-prop-indicators (Diskusjon) (Set om) Gives the HTML of page status indicators used on the page.
apihelp-parse-paramvalue-prop-jsconfigvars (Diskusjon) (Set om) Gives the JavaScript configuration variables specific to the page. To apply, use <code>mw.config.set()</code>.
apihelp-parse-paramvalue-prop-limitreportdata (Diskusjon) (Set om) Gives the limit report in a structured way. Gives no data, when <var>$1disablelimitreport</var> is set.
apihelp-parse-paramvalue-prop-limitreporthtml (Diskusjon) (Set om) Gives the HTML version of the limit report. Gives no data, when <var>$1disablelimitreport</var> is set.
apihelp-parse-paramvalue-prop-modules (Diskusjon) (Set om) Gives the ResourceLoader modules used on the page. To load, use <code>mw.loader.using()</code>. Either <kbd>jsconfigvars</kbd> or <kbd>encodedjsconfigvars</kbd> must be requested jointly with <kbd>modules</kbd>.
apihelp-parse-paramvalue-prop-parsetree (Diskusjon) (Set om) The XML parse tree of revision content (requires content model <code>$1</code>)
apihelp-parse-paramvalue-prop-parsewarnings (Diskusjon) (Set om) Gives the warnings that occurred while parsing content.
apihelp-parse-paramvalue-prop-properties (Diskusjon) (Set om) Gives various properties defined in the parsed wikitext.
apihelp-parse-paramvalue-prop-revid (Diskusjon) (Set om) Adds the revision ID of the parsed page.
apihelp-parse-paramvalue-prop-sections (Diskusjon) (Set om) Gives the sections in the parsed wikitext.
apihelp-parse-paramvalue-prop-templates (Diskusjon) (Set om) Gives the templates in the parsed wikitext.
apihelp-parse-paramvalue-prop-text (Diskusjon) (Set om) Gives the parsed text of the wikitext.
apihelp-parse-paramvalue-prop-wikitext (Diskusjon) (Set om) Gives the original wikitext that was parsed.
apihelp-patrol-description (Diskusjon) (Set om) Patrol a page or revision.
apihelp-patrol-example-rcid (Diskusjon) (Set om) Patrol a recent change.
apihelp-patrol-example-revid (Diskusjon) (Set om) Patrol a revision.
apihelp-patrol-param-rcid (Diskusjon) (Set om) Recentchanges ID to patrol.
apihelp-patrol-param-revid (Diskusjon) (Set om) Revision ID to patrol.
apihelp-patrol-param-tags (Diskusjon) (Set om) Change tags to apply to the entry in the patrol log.
apihelp-php-description (Diskusjon) (Set om) Output data in serialized PHP format.
apihelp-php-param-formatversion (Diskusjon) (Set om) Output formatting: ;1:Backwards-compatible format (XML-style booleans, <samp>*</samp> keys for content nodes, etc.). ;2:Experimental modern format. Details may change! ;latest:Use the latest format (currently <kbd>2</kbd>), may change without warning.
apihelp-phpfm-description (Diskusjon) (Set om) Output data in serialized PHP format (pretty-print in HTML).
apihelp-protect-description (Diskusjon) (Set om) Change the protection level of a page.
apihelp-protect-example-protect (Diskusjon) (Set om) Protect a page.
apihelp-protect-example-unprotect (Diskusjon) (Set om) Unprotect a page by setting restrictions to <kbd>all</kbd> (i.e. everyone is allowed to take the action).
apihelp-protect-example-unprotect2 (Diskusjon) (Set om) Unprotect a page by setting no restrictions.
apihelp-protect-param-cascade (Diskusjon) (Set om) Enable cascading protection (i.e. protect transcluded templates and images used in this page). Ignored if none of the given protection levels support cascading.
apihelp-protect-param-expiry (Diskusjon) (Set om) Expiry timestamps. If only one timestamp is set, it'll be used for all protections. Use <kbd>infinite</kbd>, <kbd>indefinite</kbd>, <kbd>infinity</kbd>, or <kbd>never</kbd>, for a never-expiring protection.
apihelp-protect-param-pageid (Diskusjon) (Set om) ID of the page to (un)protect. Cannot be used together with $1title.
apihelp-protect-param-protections (Diskusjon) (Set om) List of protection levels, formatted <kbd>action=level</kbd> (e.g. <kbd>edit=sysop</kbd>). A level of <kbd>all</kbd> means everyone is allowed to take the action, i.e. no restriction. <strong>Note:</strong> Any actions not listed will have restrictions removed.
apihelp-protect-param-reason (Diskusjon) (Set om) Reason for (un)protecting.
apihelp-protect-param-tags (Diskusjon) (Set om) Change tags to apply to the entry in the protection log.
apihelp-protect-param-title (Diskusjon) (Set om) Title of the page to (un)protect. Cannot be used together with $1pageid.
apihelp-protect-param-watch (Diskusjon) (Set om) If set, add the page being (un)protected to the current user's watchlist.
apihelp-protect-param-watchlist (Diskusjon) (Set om) Unconditionally add or remove the page from the current user's watchlist, use preferences or do not change watch.
apihelp-purge-description (Diskusjon) (Set om) Purge the cache for the given titles.
apihelp-purge-example-generator (Diskusjon) (Set om) Purge the first 10 pages in the main namespace.
apihelp-purge-example-simple (Diskusjon) (Set om) Purge the <kbd>Main Page</kbd> and the <kbd>API</kbd> page.
apihelp-purge-param-forcelinkupdate (Diskusjon) (Set om) Update the links tables.
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